Ear Infections

A mom brought her son in today to be checked, because he had an ear infection. There are many things you can do to help your child overcome ear infections naturally, and I just want to take a moment to cover a few with you! We always find alternatives to medications in our office. We believe God designed our bodies to heal without medication, and we believe health care should be built on this truth! We stand against the lie that our bodies were destined for disease!

The first thing we did today, is adjust him. Why? Due to the fact that his eustachian tubes are horizontal in kids. When a kid has a misaligned atlas (first vertebrae in the neck that holds up the head) it can cause a head tilt. The head will tilt to one side or the other and allow for a back up of fluid in the ear. Ouch! This along with congestion can create a lot of pain pressure in the ears.

The second thing we recommended to the mother was to eliminate dairy in her child’s diet as this will increase mucus production. She said that he really liked yogurt, and he is an extremely picky eater. So, we recommended coconut yogurt from So Delicious. We also recommended coconut milk, almond milk, or cashew milk as alternatives for him.

The third thing we recommended was to diffuse and apply essential oils after their bath at night. We recommended diluting eucalyptus oil with coconut oil as the carrier oil as a rub to put on the child’s chest at night. It is so much better than vapor rubs that are in the store.

The fourth thing we would recommend is lots of hydration, and lots of fruit! If they don’t like just water then add things to it. You can give them water that is fruit infused, honey lemon water, and cucumber water.

The fifth thing you can do is go to supplements. Liquid zinc from www.vimergy.com is so helpful in increasing the immune system’s ability to defend itself. You may want to add it to your kids juice, as some kids don’t like the taste. It’s good for the whole family, so everyone can take it to ward off illness.

Most importantly realize that the majority of ear infections are self limiting. This means that the body will heal them on their own. God is always your guide in your healing and that of your children, so always seek His advice above anything that anyone would recommend for you! He is your source! Woo Hoo!!


Releasing Forgiveness


Chiropractic For Infants