Repairing My Neurological System

Hey, hey! It’s Laurie again. I blogged in March about my neurological system under attack by a viral condition. I want to dive into that much deeper. In this day and age, our society is exposed to so many pathogens. Some are viral and some are bacterial or fungal. How we get exposed to these pathogens can vary. Most of the time the pathogens are passed down from our parents through blood etc… or we drink after someone or swap slobbers with someone that is infected. We also undergo routine medical ‘procedures’ when we are babies and all through school that has live viruses involved. Nonetheless, they are here and we get to deal with them. When viruses have the opportunity to grow for a while they eventually attack our nervous system. Their bi-product is very toxic to our system and our nerves become super sensitive and weak. The nervous system will eventually start miscommunicating and deterioration will likely occur. If left untreated we will have persistent pain that will follow us throughout our lifetime, as well as, numbness/tingling/weakness, and sometimes we may get a ‘hopeless’ diagnosis like Multiple Sclerosis or Lupus. All of this is due to a viral condition. The virus that is usually responsible is the Epstein Barr virus. That is another deep subject that I will blog about on another day. (Nov. 2021)

The symptoms that I spoke of in my March blog that followed my upper cervical corrections were dizziness, weakness in extremities, and just overall ‘weirdness’. This was due to too many toxins being released secondary to the correction. This is a comfortable process for someone with a minimal viral load but when someone has a high viral load their body will be more sensitive. Upper Cervical care is gentle and when used in combination of antivirals and cleansing foods it will gradually move the needle in your healing. It will help reconnect and repair your damaged nervous system. So those of you that feel sick or uneasy after any kind of detoxing method like upper cervical care, massage therapy, raindrop therapy, lymph drainage, or even acupuncture just remember that less is more and that you may have an underlying viral infection. I hope this message was able to help someone and ‘fill in’ a missing piece. God Bless!


Let Hope Arise in Your Souls


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