Let Him Not Them

It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, Titus 2:12 NIV https://titus.bible/titus-2-12 A member came in a bit discouraged. She was listening to all the foods she "should" avoid, and felt discouraged. It can seem hard when we try to live up to all the things that others think we "should" do. I meant to say impossible not hard😂 I told her that we weren't meant to do it all. We were meant to hear God's voice, and He leads us step by step. Just listen to what He wants you to eat, and then implement His plan. It takes you from the mentality of doing what I "should" into being led by God. One wears you out, while the other gives you life. I have tried to live the disciplined, self controlled life by my own efforts! It's exhausting, and it is never enough. Once you finish one disciplined act, it's time for the next one. It's full of pride, and it's performance based. Yet, yielding to His plans, following His leading is so much easier. It's ALL that matters! It sets you free, and in turn you set everyone else free too!! It's so much easier God's way!! I encourage you to let Him, not them control every aspect of your healing and your life. It will set you free from the chains of this world! Woo hoo!! Love you 💕


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