Guard the Heart

Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. Proverbs 4:21‭-‬22 NLT Have you heard words of wisdom along your journey in life? Things like, it takes seven positives to erase one negative. Don't go to bed angry. Don't hold offences. Let go and let God. Following truth can bring healing to your whole body! Harboring negative emotions, anger, unforgiveness, and fear can eat away at your heart and your health. Letting every one of them go, brings light and life to the body. I have seen members come in hurting from unforgiveness and anger most often. It causes emotional stress, physical ailments, and left unchecked can manifest into disease. Solomon said, "above all else, guard your heart." He knew that it leads to destruction. I pray this helps you today! Instead of focusing on what not to do, focus on what to do. Focus on keeping a positive attitude, finding gratitude in every situation, releasing forgiveness, and choosing peace. You may have old issues that take longer to release, but just focus on from this day forward. We can lighten our load by just choosing one of these each day. Woo hoo!! Love you 💕


Ear Infections


Heart Health