An attitude shift during holidays

It’s November and I’m sure you’re aware of the upcoming holidays. Holidays have always brought me joy. In the past, I would look up new recipes and try to find my old, tried and true recipes. My mind would be consumed about what to cook and what I was looking forward to eating. For example, my mom makes awesome pecan pie and my dad makes the best dressing and giblet gravy. I knew that the gatherings were important, but honestly, they weren’t the most important thing on my mind. IT WAS THE FOOD!

My healing journey has been long and life changing. I, no longer, look at food as fun or exciting. Now food is just a tool that I use to fuel and heal my body. If it’s not a healing food, then I don’t want to waste my time consuming it. Weird right?

Shifting your focus off of the food allows you to relax a little and enjoy the actual fellowship that your family has to offer. I can do fun things with the kids. I can go outside with the grandkids and play or horse around. I can visit and be a good hostess and have the energy to clean up afterwards without feeling like a stuffed turkey. My joints don’t hurt, and I don’t have to unbutton my pants to get comfortable.

How does one achieve this? Make healthy foods to bring to the party. Last Thanksgiving I cooked the potatoes and gravy, mac and cheese, roasted veggies and wild blueberry pie for dessert. I could have eaten a little turkey if I had wanted but I decided that it didn’t really look that good. I enjoyed my foods and shared them with others. I didn’t stress about the menu or about what others would say or think. I just, simply, enjoyed being with family and friends and enjoyed being healthy and feeling well again.

Take some deep breaths this holiday. Try and start new habits and new traditions. These days are all about the memories and fellowship and NOTHING about the foods themselves.


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