Family Chiropractic
Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a gentle and effective procedure utilized by people worldwide to treat your entire body. In Upper Cervical there’s no twisting, popping or cracking. Adjustment are gentle and precise, without turning your head. Dr. Opal explains, “We focus on the top two vertebrae. That area is the bottom of the brain and the top of the spinal cord. At that junction station between those areas is the brain stem, the fuse box for everything that goes on in the nervous system. Things that are happening in the brain, in all parts of your body, all the way to your feet are happening or originating from this area right through there. We adjust that area to remove nerve interference so the body can then facilitate the healing process that it has already known how to do, because that’s how God designed us.”
And yes, Upper Cervical treats the entire family, from infants on up. It is so gentle that our members prefer to have their babies checked as early as one day old. Many people ask why an infant or a child would need Upper Cervical Chiropractic care. When a baby is born, this can be the first injury it experiences. Birth is a traumatic experience for both the baby and mother. During a normal delivery the distraction applied to a babies head can be up to 40 lbs! In addition to that, it is not uncommon to apply rotation to the babies head, and bending of the neck to allow the shoulders to clear the birth canal. Ouch! The infant could then exhibit symptoms associated with this injury. Torticollis, colic, reflux, difficulty sleeping, constipation, and irritability are just a few of the symptoms that bring sleepless parents into our office. We are passionate about helping parents determine if their baby has incurred a subluxation after birth, and then correcting it so that they can heal!
Our treatment is so gentle and painless that even babies who receive adjustments don’t move, whimper or cry. That’s why the most common remark made by patients after their first adjustment is, “You just barely touched my neck and I can’t believe how much better I feel all over. The muscles relax all the way down the spine.”
Both Dr. Micheal and Dr. Opal operate on the foundational belief that God designed our bodies to heal themselves, without medication. They oppose the common fallacy that our bodies are destined for disease. These humble, compassionate and competent doctors recognize that God is the healer. Prayer is an essential element of their practice. They rely on solid biblical principles of health and wellness, where individuals and families under their care are living proof that these principles work. “‘For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord.” -Jeremiah 30:17
You’re going to feel at home and be in good hands at Upper Cervical Chiropractic.
And yes, the results are profound. Read the testimonials to see how relief from such serious health issues as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, sciatica, migraines, reflux, allergies, back pain and others can be obtained – and all without prescription and over-the-counter medication.
View a typical misalignment, and how an upper cervical correction can restore balance and health to your body
Healing Foods
Functional Bodyworks
Animal Chiropractic
Body Thermography