Heart Health
Proverbs 4;23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. We are often worried about our heart health, and it’s no wonder. Heart disease is affecting so many people in our country. We typically focus on exercise, diet, and adopting a healthier lifestyle. All of these are important, but today, I want to talk about healing the emotions that create heart disease. You heard me right, your emotions left unchecked over time will lead to disease. Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived, and in Proverbs he speaks of the connection between emotions and our physical health. Think of a person who is walking in fear, and you might see heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and tightness in their chest. Yes these things mimic symptoms of a heart attack. Yet, your prolonged fear is an attack on your heart that will produce the same symptoms. So, how do we guard our heart to keep it healthy? Experience has taught me that we have more success, when we take action steps, instead of relying on sheer willpower. So instead of using will power to not be fearful, we choose to repeat scriptures on peace. Instead of not being angry, we choose to find and speak gratitude in every situation. You get the idea! If you struggle with unforgiveness, then adopt the policy of covering offenses. It may take longer to work on old unforgiveness issues, but you can choose to not accumulate any more! Let’s not just rely on diet and exercise, but let’s dig deeper this year. Woo Hoo!! Love you💕 For more ways to heal your heart, we recommend these books: Enemies of the Heart, by Andy Stanley, and The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown